AI Applications in Law: Enhancing Legal Practice

AI Applications in Law: Enhancing Legal Practice

In the legal profession, Artificial Intelligence is generally used in legal research, in preparing the outline of the case and in preliminary analysis of facts, analysis of documents, and in reviewing the facts of a case. One advantage of this AI phenomenon is that it has effectively diminished the expenses associated with cost, thereby enabling the possibility of transferring the resulting benefits to the client. The success of this technology also depends on how friendly the lawyer community is towards this generative innovation and how much adaptation it has been able to establish towards this technology. At present time, it is not very prevalent although the speed of its spread will be explosive, which is the subject of review.

What are the issues with AI and the legal profession?

Content created by Artificial Intelligence does not receive copyright because, as per American law, copyright can only be given to human content. After all, the owner of machines and technology is any human. Continuous production of tantamount article content is a big challenge for Artificial Intelligence because its algorithm cannot even compete with the infancy of the human brain. Producing similar content again and again as generative content is a digital waste that’s why this digital waste cannot bring justice to anyone in the legal profession. There are no limitations to the human mind. the thoughtfulness of the human brain is beyond mechanical understanding & the human brain is enough and only suitable for human subjects, which cannot be replaced by any means. Apart from this, the problems of privacy and quality of facts are also new legal problems of Artificial Intelligence which create confusion and stimulate a multiplicity of cases. The results of artificial intelligence may be biased or will be consistent with machine programming. It lacks man-made innovation, which is probably why people started to get bored and tired of this technology shortly after its introduction. This spitting bubble of computers began bursting even before it became a challenge to humans. The way in which Artificial Intelligence collects, and scraps data also gives rise to the possibility of plagiarism, this can also be the biggest copyright scam in the world that itself is a technical mystery, the day a big copyright scam will come to light in this regard. If there is any solid evidence, then artificial intelligence companies may be seen facing a class action lawsuit in court to fix their liability.

What is the future of AI in law?

The way computers, typewriters, telephones, etc. have affected the offices of lawyers and law firms, Artificial Intelligence will be able to affect the offices of lawyers to a greater extent, this will also make the work of lawyers easier and they will remain in their business, the person who adopts this technique will move ahead in business. In this way, this digital innovation will change the face of the noble profession to a great extent, but no machine or artificial intelligence can take the place of lawyers, this thing is in the womb of the future but it is certain.

What are the benefits of AI in legal services?

By using this technology of Artificial Intelligence, the work of lawyers and people associated with the legal profession will become easier, the work of data analysis and review of documents will become even simpler tasks & the work speed of attorneys will increase. The workload on lawyers is likely to be reduced & they will be able to concentrate their minds on more important creative matters. The usefulness and demand for lawyers with sharp intelligence will increase further; the quality of the legal profession will increase with the pace of time.

Reference :

  • Armour, J., & Sako, M. (2020). AI-enabled business models in legal services: from traditional law firms to next-generation law companies? Journal of Professions and Organization7(1), 27–46.
  • Doshi‐Velez, F., Kortz, M. A., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D. F., Scott, K., Shieber, S. M., Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI under the Law: The role of explanation. Social Science Research Network.



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